To those who have died needlessly as a result of our inhumane detention regime

29-year-old Bangladeshi refugee
Died 2 November 2017
Killed in a motorcycle accident on Nauru ... suspicious circumstances surrounding his death ... a Nauruan driver arrested the following day.

Rajeev Rajendran
32-year-old Sri Lankan Tamil refugee
Died 2 October 2017
Rajeev was found dead on the grounds of the Lorengau hospital at Manus Island, his death an apparent suicide. He’d been sent to the hospital after a previous suicide attempt three days earlier. He had been acutely mentally ill for months.

Hamed Shamshiripour
31-year-old Iranian asylum seeker
Died 7 August 2017
Hamed was found dead in the forest near the Australian-run East Lorengau refugee transit centre on Manus Island. PNG police have said that the cause of his death was suicide, however his family have demanded an autopsy and inquest to determine the cause of death. Hamed was known to have suffered from acute and worsening mental health issues.

Majid Hassanloo
39-year-old Iranian refugee
Died week beginning 3 July 2017
Majid was found dead from a suspected drug overdose in the house he was minding in Sydney. He had been released from detention in December 2015 but was not offered adequate support. Majid was the older brother of Saeed Hassanloo who took his life in August last year.