To those who have died needlessly as a result of our inhumane detention regime

Hamid Kehazaei
24-year-old Iranian man
Died 3 September 2014
Declared brain dead after contracting cellulitis in remote Manus Island Immigration Detention Centre.

Leo Seemanpillai
29-year-old Sri Lankan man
Died 1 June 2014
Died as a result of self-immolation. He had been living in community detention on a bridging visa awaiting the outcome of his refugee claim.

Reza Barati
23-year-old Iranian man
Died 17 February 2014
Died of head injuries on the way to Lorengau hospital in PNG following protests at the Manus Island Immigration Detention Centre.

Rezene Mebrahta Engeda
30-year-old Eritrean man
Died 5 February 2014
Drowned himself in the Maribyrnong River upon notice of a failed asylum application and letter to attend a meeting with DIBP where he assumed he would be told of his pending deportation to Eritrea.