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Buy from Goodwill
Wines and support


Buddies now has a page

on the Goodwill Wine

website and anyone

buying wine can

nominate Buddies as

their charity of choice. 


Enjoy some great wine and support Buddies at the same time. Buddies will receive 50% of the profits ($2 a bottle). Cheers to that!...





All donations are gratefully received. Money raised assists asylum seekers and refugees. 


You can direct debit to: 

Suncorp Bank 

BSB: 484-799

Account No: 123508960

Account name

Buddies Refugee Support Group Ltd


Or you can contribute at each meeting to 'The Box'. Your donations are very greatly appreciated by those we help.


Support Buddies by volunteering as a parking attendant at

the Eumundi Markets


More Buddies are needed to work for 2 hours once a month as parking attendants at the Eumundi Markets. This fundraiser is a fun job and has proved one of our most reliable sources of income since being set up by Buddies members Kendall Snowden and Yokki Rother in 2015.


We have committed to continue with the same 2 timeslots in 2018 – the hourly rate is $22 per hour.


The first Saturday of each month 

Albert Street Gate, 7am – 1 pm

3 lots of 2 people @ 2 hours each = $264


The first Wednesday of each month

Napier Street Gate, 8am – 12.30pm

2 lots of 2 people @ 2.25 hours (or 2 @ 2 hours, 2 @ 2.5 hours) = $198


We have struggled at times to find volunteers to cover the above, so if you could commit to a couple of hours once a month it would be much appreciated.

(There are many other charity groups waiting in the wings for a timeslot!)


If you can help, please email Kendall, Penny or Dee the following information:

Name, day/s available, preferred timeslot and contact details


2018 Buddies Refugee Support Group

Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia


 PO BOX 367, Buderim 4556


 0412 673 028 or by email

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