Email to send: Close the camps now!
The tragic situation on Manus and Nauru demonstrates beyond doubt that Australia’s offshore detention system is completely broken and should be dismantled immediately.
People who’ve done nothing more than ask for our protection have been incarcerated on Manus and Nauru for over four years and their physical and mental health is now deteriorating rapidly.
Please email our political representatives and request that these people be resettled in Australia now. If growing numbers of us can raise our voices and demand action, we will become increasingly difficult to ignore!
List of Government House of Reps E-mails
List of Opposition House of Reps E-mails
Contact a politician
Writing a letter to or phoning your local MP is a powerful tool in lobbying for change.
To find your local Federal MP, click on this link and type your postcode in the 'Search Members' box.
To find your local Queensland MP, click on this link and type your member name or electorate in the search box.
Peter Dutton, Immigration Minister
Parliamentary office (02) 56277 7860
Electorate office (07) 3205 9977
Scott Morrison, Prime Minister
Parliamentary office (02) 6277 7700
Electorate office (02) 9327 3988
Ted O'Brien, Member for Fairfax
Parliamentary office (02) 6277 4130
Electorate office (07) 5479 2800
Andrew Wallace, Member for Fisher
Parliamentary office (02) 6277 4282
Electorate office (07) 5493 5556