Last Updated: Friday 12 July 2019

We all are powerful, even if we think that our small voice won't make a difference.
It can... if there are enough of the small voices.
When we combine our passion and our desire to create welcome and safety for refugees, we all grow.
​Many of us (including our 'representatives', either are, or have families who were once refugees.
Economic refugees from the UK, political refugees from war ravaged Europe, refugees from many despotic countries,, all of whom arrived in Australia, sometimes penny-less, but willing to "have a go"..... 'How Good Is That?'
If it weren't for these refugees, Australia wouldn't be the country it is now, and that's a simple fact.
​The darker it becomes the more important it becomes that our shared humanity burns even brighter as a beacon of hope.
What Can I Do Today?
Call Your MP About The Biloela Family
URGENT: 2 year old Tharunicaa has been taken to hospital with a head injury after a whiteboard fell and hit her on the head. Her distraught parents had to wait seven hours to have her injury assessed after worrying symptoms manifested.
Detention is no place for kids. Please, call your MP and urge them to help us get these kids out of detention.
Send A Message To Alan Jones
On 27 June 2GB Sydney radio presenter Alan Jones criticised Minister Peter Dutton for keeping the Biloela family in detention.
In view of Friday’s injury to the younger girl, let’s call on Jones (who previously worked as a speech writer in the office of the Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser!) to urge the Minister to release this family from detention in MITA.
This email form can be used to send a message to Alan Jones.... it will take you less than 2 minutes.

Copy This Page and Email It To Your Friends
Just copy the link in your browser address bar, or here: https://www.refugeebuddies.org/what-can-i-do-right-now and send it to all your friends.
Donating, Volunteering, Joining Buddies.....
These are all worthwhile activities, and make a very positive contribution, and if you are doing, or contemplating any of these, please keep doing it, but we need to do even more.
Those already engaged may be 'speaking to the converted'. When we speak to like-minded people on this humanitarian crisis, it may make us feel good, but it won't change anything.
Major groups like the RAC, Buddies etc already lobby on behalf of asylum seekers and refugees, and that's fantastic, but it's the small voices, delivered directly to our 'representatives' that may make the greatest difference.
Write to your local State and Federal member.. what you think matters to these people (perhaps only once every three years, but nevertheless).
Write to the papers..... write to your friends..... write to everybody. Let your small voice be heard and hopefully our small voices will swell into a tidal wave which can't be ignored.

Thank you all for your continued support. Please continue to write and phone our politicians.