Be A Voice For The Voiceless
Please support the various petitions we may add to this page.
We haven't organised these by year, since some from previous years will still be current, however, we try to keep the most current towards the top of this page.
All email contributions are welcome.
Last Updated: Friday 22 November 2019
Free The Gay Saudi Journalists
just.equal petition
We are calling on Immigration Minister, David Coleman, to immediately grant bridging visas to a gay Saudi couple who have sought asylum in Australia.
It is not right that this couple has been detained for several weeks after fleeing Saudi Arabia following political harassment and threats of being publicly outed by authorities.
Saudi Arabia still applies the death penalty to homosexuality and they should not be imprisoned for seeking asylum in Australia.
It is not unlawful to seek asylum in Australia and the couple should be released into the community on bridging visas until their claim can be assessed.
More information in this Guardian article

Doctors are fighting to #SaveMedevac
GetUp! petition
Doctors and Australia's peak medical bodies are fighting back against the Morrison Government – who wants to tear down lifesaving Medevac legislation and take away doctors ability to give proper medical treatment to people detained offshore.
In just a month, the Senate will cast the final vote on whether or not Medevac stays.
To win this fight, and make sure sick people offshore can get the medical care they need, we need to drown out the Government's lies with the trusted voices of doctors.
Can you stand with Australia's leading doctors and peak medical bodies, and sign the petition to #SaveMedevac?
Scott Morrison: Release the 53 asylum seekers from PNG Bomana prison
Change.org petition
We demand the release of the 53 asylum seekers who have committed no crime yet have been imprisoned in the Bomana Detention Centre in Port Moresby since August 12, 2019.
Their imprisonment violates our country’s human rights obligations as well as our common values of decency, compassion, justice and ‘a fair go’.
These men have effectively ‘disappeared’. Despite doing no wrong, all 53 men have had their phones confiscated and all contact with the outside world denied.
Thank you for your support and for being the voice of the oppressed
Genocide in Southern Cameroon
Change.org petition
Join the voices of Southern Cameroonian refugees in Australia to condemn the ongoing violence in their homeland.
Please take a minute to sign the petition to get the Australian Government and Parliament to URGENTLY intervene, to save the lives of women and children.
Thank you for your support and for being the voice of the oppressed
Refugee Council of Australia
I Choose Humane Pledge
We want policies for people seeking asylum that are humane, not cruel. please sign the pledge today to show your support for:
The permanent end to offshore processing
A fair process for claiming asylum
Reform of the immigration detention system
A larger and more responsive Refugee and Humanitarian Program
Australia’s improved engagement in Asia
Please let our 3-year-old son stay in Australia
Change.org petition
We are a happy and settled family living in Seymour, Victoria. Our son Darragh was born in Australia on 18 August 2015. Australia is the only home our son knows.
On 3 August 2015 we applied for our family to become permanent residents of Australia. A few weeks later our son was born and soon after he was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis.
Our family’s application for permanent residency was then refused by the Australian Department of Home Affairs because they assessed him as having a condition which make him a burden on the Australian community.
Update 5 July 2019 Christine Hyde Seymour, Australia
"Thank you to everyone who supported us. Late yesterday evening we recieved the good news that we were granted residency. We are so excited, a huge weight has been lifted and we can continue our lives. We will are completely grateful to everyone!!"

Let Kinley and his family stay in Australia
Change.org petition
Imagine working hard to build a new life for your young family in your adopted home of Australia. Imagine discovering that one of your children is deaf, and giving them all the support they need to learn sign language. Imagine after years of building your new life, you learn that your entire family is about to be deported back to Bhutan - because the government doesn’t want to provide any care or support for your deaf son.
Kinley and his family deserve to stay in Australia, but because of Kinley’s hearing loss and learning difficulties, he does not meet the health requirements for permanent residency. As a consequence, the family will face deportation unless given special consideration by David Coleman MP, the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship & Multicultural Affairs.

This petition made change with 51,026 supporters!
​Thank you for your support on this important issue.
Remove Fraser Anning from parliament
Change.org petition

We need to be doing more to stop hatred, violence, and bigotry. We need to be challenging racism, white supremacy, and the far-right at every turn....... OH.... already said all that in the post above.....
Fraser Anning was elected on dishonest grounds.
He received the position of Senator based on his inclusion in One Nation and following the expulsion of a One Nation Senator for dual citizenship.
He received only 19 primary votes.
He resigned from One Nation within an hour of being elected.
He was booted from the Katter Australia Party
In one of the most inflammatory speeches to Australian Parliament for decades, Senator Anning in August 2018 praised the White Australia Policy and called for a plebiscite as "the final solution to the immigration problem".
Senator Anning took aim at Muslim migrants in particular, claiming they had proven to be the least able to assimilate and integrate into Australian society and other countries.
There is no place in Australian government for Neo-Nazis
There is no place for bigotry
There is no place for hate speech
There is no place for Fraser Anning

This petition made change with 1,492,239 supporters!
​Thank you for your support on this important issue.
Declare the Sunshine Coast LAG a Refugee Welcome Zone
Buddies (in conjunction with Amnesty International and 'Welcome To Maleny')
Buddies, together with Amnesty International (Maroochydore and USC) and Welcome to Maleny, is
currently campaigning to the Sunshine Coast LGA a Refugee Welcome Zone.
We would really appreciate your assistance in reaching as many people as possible by getting as many signatures as possible for the petition.
Our petition is to accompany our joint proposal to the Sunshine City Council asking it to declare our LGA a Refugee Welcome Zone, to join the other 155 RWZs around Australia, including 8 in Queensland.
As many of you will know, Buddies got very close to achieving this a couple of years ago and we hope a joint effort may be able to succeed.
The online petition can be accessed here
Download the petition form here.
The completed petitions can be presented at the next Buddies meeting, or they may be scanned emailed to Buddies.
More information on Refugee Welcome Zones can be found here.
Improve The Current Community Sponsorship Program (CSP)
This petition is to Minister Coleman and other MHRs, respectfully asking that they expand and improve the current Community Sponsorship Program (CSP), such that it encourages rather than hinders greater community participation in the program and provides a genuine, more sustainable pathway for people seeking asylum in Australia.
The petition can be accessed online via this link.
Thank you in anticipation for your support to take positive action on this important issue.
They can't all be wrong -- End the harm... Bring the Kids on Nauru to Australia Now
Here are just a few of the organisations engaged in similar appeals for people to make their voices heard by petition:
Please add your voice to this call by signing one (or more) of the petitions in the links above.
Main Messages:
Locking up children in a traumatic environment is never the answer
it is not a solution to a problem - it is the creation of a problem
Some of these children have been born in detention - don't let them die in detention
You wouldn’t let your child grow up like this
Our political leaders must end the harm
Australians deserve the truth
6 out of 10 Australians don’t know there are children detained on Nauru

Unlike the Change.org petitions, we do not have supporter numbers on this petition.
​Thank you for your support on this important issue.
GetUp! Airlines campaign
Stop airlines deporting to danger.
Last month six major American airlines stood up to Trump and refused to participate in his horrific immigration regime of deportations and family separation. But in Australia our national airlines refuse to do the same. Call on Australian airlines to rule out engaging in Dutton's human rights abuses
Please sign the GetUp! Online petition here
Change.org campaign
Help me bring this beautiful family home to Biloela, QLD.
This petition calls on Qantas and 11 other airlines to refuse to fly Priya’s family anywhere but home to Biloela. Refugee advocates in Sydney and Melbourne are asking Qantas to publicly state that they will not participate in forcing Priya, Nades, Kopika or Tharunicaa back to danger
Please sign the Change.org Online petition here
Care2 campaign
Five Years of Human Rights Atrocities. Demand Australia Stop Sending Refugees to Cruel Offshore Detention Centres!
This July marks the fifth anniversary of Australia's cruel policy that relegates refugees to detention centers on Manus and Nauru islands.
For five years, these detention centers have been home to numerous human rights atrocities.
Asylum seekers detained there have gone so far as to suicide, and to light themselves on fire to protest the conditions they face.
From insufficient health care to sexual assault, refugees on Manus and Nauru are suffering in exile.
Please sign the Care2 Online petition here
Improve The Current Community Sponsorship Program (CSP)
This is no longer current thus the links have been removed. It has been replaced by the one towards the top of this page
This petition is to Minister Coleman and other MHRs, respectfully asking that they expand and improve the current Community Sponsorship Program (CSP), such that it encourages rather than hinders greater community participation in the program and provides a genuine, more sustainable pathway for people seeking asylum in Australia. Download the petition form here.
We would be grateful if you could print the petition and ask your families, friends and wider networks to sign and forward to us, either at the next Buddies meeting on Sunday 22 July, or they may be scanned emailed to Buddies.
Thank you in anticipation for your support to take positive action on this important issue.

Asylum Seeker Recource Centre (ASRC) #BringThemHere campaign
It is clear that Manus Island and Nauru are completely unsafe for refugees and people seeking asylum.
The people on Manus Island and Nauru must be brought to safety in our community.
As a community we cannot turn away and ignore the deplorable situation our government has created.
It is time to end the system of abuse and bring people to safety in our community.
The Australian Government has been avoiding facing the reality of its own policy’s failure. Now, we, as a community, must show them the way forward.
Please sign the ASRC Online petition here
Refugee Council Of Australia #SafetyForAll campaign
Manus Island detention centre closed at the end of October 2017, yet over 600 men remain
at the centre, without access to food, water or basic services.
The men have serious concerns for their personal safety given the violence that others have faced,
and are too scared to leave the centre, despite the lack of services or provisions.
Please sign the RCA Online petition here
End Child Detention campaign
Many of the objectives of the Campaign are aimed at changing views of governments. In order to do this, the campaign aims, wherever possible, to be focused on solutions, and to be strategic about the countries it targets.
Where appropriate, the Campaign features the voices of children to advocate for change. All information circulated in association with the Campaign must be evidence based.
The Campaign has been designed with the flexibility to be relevant to the national context. Groups are encouraged to use the campaign in partnership with a national campaign: but we do ask that the messaging of national campaigns are based on the human rights framework, and that all campaigns are conducted ethically with the best interests of children utilized in the campaign at the center of its work.
Please sign the End Child Detention Online petition here
GetUp #BringThemHere campaign
Australia's offshore detention regime is unlawful, and it's killing people.
In April 2016, the Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea ruled that detaining people in Australia's
abusive Manus Island camp is illegal.
The camp was subsequently closed, and the detainees forcibly transferred to 'Transit Centres' 30 klms away.
Every day, more and more evidence emerges that this detention regime (on both Manus and Nauru), is in dangerous chaos - and that we must bring people here, to safety.
We need to say loud and clear that the people we have unlawfully imprisoned on Manus Island and Nauru should be brought here to safety.
Please sign the GetUp Online petition here