To those who have died needlessly as a result of our inhumane detention regime

Faysal Ishak Ahmed
27-year-old Sudanese refugee
Died 23 December 2016
Died in the Royal Brisbane and Women’s hospital, a day after being evacuated following “a fall and seizure” inside the Manus detention centre, where he had been held for over three years.
He had been sick for more than six months and other detainees had alerted the organisation responsible for care on the island, International Health and Medical Services (IHMS), to his situation, but little was done to help him.

38-year-old Iranian wooman
Died 20 November 2016
Fereshteh was living in the community in Perth on a bridging visa. The mother of a two year old son, she threw herself from the sixth floor balcony of her home.

Kamil Hussain
34-year-old Pakistani refugee
2 August 2016
Drowned at a waterfall close to the town of Lorengau on Manus Island. He is understood to have slipped on a rock in the waterfall and to have struck his head.

Saeed Hassanloo
27-year-old Iranian asylum seeker
Died 27 August 2016
Jumped off the Tasman Bridge in Hobart, where he was living in the community on a SHEV visa. He’d spent six years in Australia, most of which was spent in six different detention centres. Wrongly charged of a crime and although innocent and later exonerated was never able to properly clear his name.

Deepak Singh
30s -year-old Indian asylum seeker
Died 17 July 2016
Suspected suicide. Found dead in his car in Melbourne with links to potential stress over Permanent Residency visa application which had been rejected by DIBP and by Migration Review Tribunal.

Mohammad Hadi
23-year-old Hazara asylum seeker
Died 6 June 2016
After three years of living in the community on a bridging visa without work or study rights and his mental health deteriorating, he hanged himself in a park in Western Sydney.

26-year-old Bangladeshi refugee
Died 11 May 2016
Had been granted refugee status five months before his death and had been detained on Nauru. He took an overdose of tablets two days prior to his death

Mohammad Nazari
35 years old, Hazara, male
Died April 2016
Mohammad Nazari was living in the community in Sydney on a Bridging Visa. He hanged himself on a construction site, a suspected suicide as a result of mental health issues from time spent in detention and uncertainty surrounding visa status. Exact date of death unknown.

Omid Masoumali
23-year-old Iranian refugee
Died 29 April 2016
Set himself alight on Nauru during a visit by UN officials, died two days later in Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Had been on Nauru with his wife for three years.