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Petitions 2015

We are One People, Undivided

AVAAZ, 27 November 2015


We citizens of the world have grown wiser. We see the game to drive us apart. To use horror to make us turn away from each other in fear, and turn on each other in a spiral of brutality. 

And we resolve, today, that every act of hate and cynical manipulation will only bring us closer together. We, Muslims and Non-Muslims from every nation of the world, resolve to love each other more fiercely than ever before, to listen more deeply to each other than ever before, and to let the pain of each fresh atrocity committed in the names of our faiths or nations or cultures be the birth pangs of the more united, more loving world we are determined to create. 


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No Business In Abuse – Sunshine Coast

Terry Boyce, CommunityRun, 30 November 2015


Corporations are paid billions to do the government’s dirty work in offshore detention camps – but they rely on other income streams as well, including contracts with local councils all around Australia. 

   Many councillors around the country are worried about being associated with the cruel abuse Broadspectrum and Wilson Security are complicit in. Two councils are already reviewing their business relationships with these corporations. The tide is changing, but to get this over the line we need to build support in our local communities, and call on our councils to take strong and immediate action. 

   If we can get our local councils to refuse to associate with these corporations while they continue to profit from abuse, it will force Broadspectrum and Wilson Security to reconsider their future in the detention regime.


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Global Leaders – Lift the Gaza Blockade



A year after the devastating war on Gaza, thousands of children are still sleeping in the rubble of their homes. Sign the petition -- it’s time to show our leaders inaction on this humanitarian crisis is unacceptable.


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Demand a Royal Commission into Operation Sovereign Borders

Amnesty International, 11 November 2015


Far from saving lives and stopping people smuggling, we have strong evidence that Operation Sovereign Borders officials have endangered and abused people seeking asylum and illegally paid for people smuggling.

   Sadly, our evidence suggests this isn’t the only time our government have grossly abused their power under the banner of Operation Sovereign Borders.

   This is not right. We must hold our leaders to account.

   Sign our petition and demand a Royal Commission to shine a light into Operation Sovereign Borders.


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Transfield Services – get out of Nauru and Manus Island

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, The Greens, 28 October 2015


Dear Chairwoman Diane Smith-Gander,

I am writing to ask Transfield Services to stop running the Australian government's offshore detention centres. No company should be benefiting from the suffering of men, women and children on Nauru and Manus Island.

   I am deeply concerned by the consistent allegations of sexual abuse and rape that are emerging from these centres and I am especially worried about the safety of women and young girls on Nauru.

   As these accusations continue to surface, I find your lack of concern highly disturbing.

   I strongly encourage you to reconsider Transfield Services' involvement with offshore detention centres and ask that you withdraw your company from Nauru and Manus Island.


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Petition to sign: I stand with Amnesty

Senators Richard Di Natale and Sarah Hanson-Young
The Greens, 30 October 2015


Amnesty International has uncovered allegedly criminal behaviour by our government. 

   When the Human Rights Commission released a damning report about our government’s human rights track record, Tony Abbott’s response to was to attack Professor Triggs personally. 

   Responsible governments don’t shoot the messenger. 

Prime Minister Turnbull has a clear opportunity to show that his government is different, and that he takes the allegations against Minister Peter Dutton and Border Force seriously.

   Add your name to the petition demanding that PM Turnbull investigates these allegations fully.


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Petition to sign: ALP Caucus action

Just Act, October 2015


The Australian Labor Party will soon vote in caucus on a motion calling for an end to immigration detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island.

   The motion was moved by West Australian Labor MP Melissa Parke at caucus on Tuesday October 13th, but the vote was deferred until November 10 because Senators were not available for the debate.


2018 Buddies Refugee Support Group

Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia


 PO BOX 367, Buderim 4556


 0412 673 028 or by email

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