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Translink concessions for people seeking asylum

Queensland Community Alliance, 28 October 2015


New arrivals and people seeking asylum want to be an active part of the Queensland community but with many not working, and with transport costs prohibitively expense, life is difficult. Extending Translink concessions would mean so much to people struggling to build a better life here. We call on the Premier and Deputy Premier to do the right thing and extend a welcoming hand.

Bring Abyan back to Australia

GetUp!, 17 October 2015


Malcolm Turnbull vowed to show “emotional intelligence” as a leader, and to fight against the abuse of women. Yet on his watch the government has denied a pregnant rape victim counselling, and chartered a flight to send her back to the island prison of Nauru.

  Please add your voice to the call for PM Turnbull to reverse this horrendous decision, and bring Abyan back to Australia.


Free the children from detention

Sarah Hanson-Young, Free the Children


The Australian Government is keeping children and their families locked up in immigration detention indefinitely.

This is unacceptable.

Health care professionals are deeply concerned by the severe physical, mental, emotional and social disturbances they are repeatedly observing in children who are locked up in detention.

We call on Malcolm Turnbull to free all children and their families from immigration detention immediately.

 Bring this young girl to Australia for urgent treatment

George Newhouse,, 7 October 2015


She was brutally raped, left helpless and pregnant. Now a 23 year old Nauru rape victim is being denied urgent medical and psychological treatment in Australia. This cruel and heartless act of neglect is barbaric. The Prime Minister wants Australia to be known as a country that respects women – we can start here.


Close Nauru detention centre

Just Act, 2 October 2015


The Uniting Church in Australia is renewing its call for the immediate closure of the Nauru detention centre after another damning report into the centre’s operations. The Senate Select Committee’s report released on Monday describes a disturbing lack of transparency and accountability about what is happening in the centre. It raises serious issues about the safety and wellbeing of people and concludes that the detention centre is ‘not adequate, appropriate or safe’ for asylum seekers.

Stop the bombing 

The Greens, 20 September 2015


Tony Abbott's decision to bomb Syria was the most reckless and dangerous of his "captain's calls". Without a clear plan to work towards a multilateral agreement in the region, we risk accomplishing nothing but further endangering the Syrian people. 

An open letter to the PM, 18 September 2015


We the undersigned women of Australia are speaking out in support of the women, children and men detained on Nauru and Manus Island. Families, women and children who are now suffering ongoing sexual assault and torment both within and without the detention centres of Nauru and Manus Island. We are demanding the urgent and immediate removal of all asylum seekers and refugees from Nauru and Manus Island on the grounds that the effective protection of women, children and men there cannot be guaranteed. 

Aylan’s list – pledge to support a refugee

Sarah Hanson-Young, 18 September 2015


The picture of 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi, who lost his life in search of a safe place to grow up, has opened Australian hearts and minds.

Following the publication of that one image and the announcement that Australia will be taking 12,000 Syrian refugees, my office was inundated with messages from people offering a room in their homes to support a refugee.

It was in response to that outpouring of support that Aylan’s List was born.

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Australia must enact fairer, more compassionate treatment of asylum seekers and refugees 

Buddies Refugee Support Group,, 11 September 2015


Call for the following immediate policy changes, to allow asylum seekers and refugees the chance for a safer future here in Australia:


  1. Closure of the Manus Island and Nauru Regional Processing Centres and enactment of a faster and more humane system of housing asylum seekers and processing their refugee status claims on the mainland.

  2. Authorisation of genuine refugees, currently in offshore detention centres, to be permanently settled in Australia.

  3. While we commend the Government for increasing the refugee intake from Syria by 12,000, we ask that Australia’s refugee quota be increased by a further 10,000.

  4. We call on the Australian Government to cease involvement in bombing Syria, as bombing may lead to more destruction, suffering and refugees.

Say NO to dropping bombs on Syria

Richard Di Natale, The Greens, 9 September 2015


The Abbott Government has announced its plans to drop bombs on the Syrian people. The conflict in Syria is complex and cannot be resolved with brute force. Please add your name and make an urgent phone call to the Prime Minister’s office and tell him that Australians do not want another war.

Meet the demands of the survivors of Sri Lanka's civil war

Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice,, 28 August 2015


Truth, justice, acknowledgement and compensation. These are the demands of war survivors that were outlined in our recent report listening to their hopes and expectations about ways forward for dealing with legacy of violence in Sri Lanka. Together they form the basis of our manifesto for peace – the vital ingredients needed for real and sustainable reconciliation in Sri Lanka.

But to ensure that these demands are met, and that they become a blueprint for action by both the government of Sri Lanka and the International Community, we need your help. Please help amplify the voices of survivors by signing this petition and pledging your support for the manifesto for peace today.

Help me to release my wife from detention

Milad Jafari, iPetitions, 8 July 2015, updated 8 August 2015


‘Loving and caring for my beautiful wife is not crime but it’s made feel like that because she is an asylum seeker. She is seeking asylum because of abuse and torture in her home country.’ –  husband of two years Milad Jafari

    Milan's wife Mojgan Shamsalipoor has been forcibly moved from the Brisbane Immigration Transit Accommodation centre to detention in Darwin  after speaking to the ABC.

Save Nauru rape victim Nazanin's life –

bring her to Australia for urgent treatment

Lena Hattom,, 13 August 2015


Tell Peter Dutton, Minister for Immigration, that Australians want Nazanin to receive the care that she needs, here in Australia. The government may think that we don't care about asylum seekers, that their lives are meaningless and that crimes perpetrated against them can be dismissed, but that's not the Australian way. Nazanin is a young woman with her whole life ahead of her, let's get her the treatment she needs and spare her family the anguish of another life lost in detention.

No jail time for doctors and teachers who speak out

Alison Hughes, CommunityRun, June 2015


This petition calls for an amendment to the new Border Force Act, which was passed quietly on May 14 by both major parties. 

   The Act means "entrusted people" in detention centres recording or disclosing information about conditions in the centres can face up to two years jail time. 

   We demand an amendment to the Act stipulating no jail time and no fines for whistleblowers. The law must allow protection for whistleblowers that expose issues not just to "save a life", but to speak publicly about issues that affect the physical and mental health of this vulnerable population.

2018 Buddies Refugee Support Group

Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia


 PO BOX 367, Buderim 4556


 0412 673 028 or by email

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