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Something To Think About

This page will be changed periodically to display an article of relevance or interest, generally sourced from a newspaper, magazine etc. or submitted contributions, (which will not be edited, but must be approved for publication by RefugeeBuddies, for obvious reasons).
email contributions are welcome.

Last Updated: 28 February 2020

The Power Of The Pen

28 February 2020

it could be anywhere between one and three months before a Federal Court decision is handed down on whether officials must assess Tharunicaa’s need for protection and hopefully get these people out of Australias Concentration Camp on Christmas Island, and back home to Biloela.


Under Australian law, Alan Tudge (acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs ), could bring Priya, Nades and the girls home to Biloela now with the stroke of a pen  ----  but under the shadow of Darth Dutton, Alan Tudge wouldn't have the courage, not to mention the humanity, to exercise this authority.

Two distinct groups on Christmas Island....   one detained indefinitely.... other group quarantined for 14 days.

27 Months (at most), To Go

From treatment of asylum seekers, recognition of human rights, climate impacts, corruption, nepotism, and on and on... we've got the lot

04 February 2020

Previous 'Something To Think About'

2018 Buddies Refugee Support Group

Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia


 PO BOX 367, Buderim 4556


 0412 673 028 or by email

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