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When & where:

Monday 18 June at Majestic Cinemas Nambour


​View The Gallery Of Photos From The Night


A team of Buddies organized a sold out screening of The Staging Post, followed by a wonderfully inspiring conversation via Skype hook up with the film’s director Jolyon Hoff and two of the film’s leads, Muzafar and Khadim who spoke movingly about their determination to help create an inclusive, supportive, learning community that has subsequently inspired so many other groups of people seeking asylum in Indonesia. In the words of a person who attended the screening: “It was a very inspirational film. I feel that if only more people could see these documentaries, their negative views of refugees would be dispelled.”


The evening was positive on several levels.  First and foremost during Refuge Week, when the plight of people seeking asylum and refugees is uppermost in our minds, this film powerfully demonstrated that even in quite dire circumstances the indomitable human spirit can prevail; that human beings can still exercise a level of agency over their lives. The Staging Post treats people seeking asylum with deep respect, humanity, gives them a voice, and beautifully illustrated the power of standing in solidarity with others.


The awareness raising event was well attended, enabling Buddies to make a handy donation to Cisarua, the learning community that Muzafar, Khadim and others formed in 2013 on the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia. We also raised some funds for Buddies and gained a new member.


Sincere thanks again to everyone who, in many small and large ways, contributed to making the event a success.   


Quote from Tony, an audience member, after the showing:

"It was a very inspirational film. I feel that if only more people could see these documentaries, their negative views of refugees would be dispelled. 

With their determination & innovation, what an asset these guys would be to Australian society, particularly our education system. After the trauma of what they've lived through, it was beautiful to see them still smiling and full of hope." 




2018 Buddies Refugee Support Group

Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia


 PO BOX 367, Buderim 4556


 0412 673 028 or by email

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