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This page will be changed periodically to display an article of relevance or interest, generally sourced from a third party such as a news site,  magazine etc.

The USA is imprisoning people it finds undesirable. Australia has already lived this nightmare (long article, but a good read)

26 June 2019

To disestablish these camps anywhere, we need to oppose them everywhere.


Australia’s economy is increasingly in the doldrums, but our leaders can point to a successful export of their own devising. In the US, the Trump administration is bedding down and expanding its network of punitive refugee camps. Like Australia’s, they have a dual function: as a deterrent to pursuing the right of political asylum, and as a political weapon.


Australia’s nightmare, like the USA’s, has been long in the making. It is a bipartisan creation. Labor, under Paul Keating, instituted the policy of mandatory detention. John Howard did much of the work of shaping it into permanent nightmare, and of turning the issue of refugees into a cudgel with which to smite political opponents.


Read the full article here.

Refugee week: The number of globally displaced people reaches record high of 70.8 million


22 June 2019

The number of displaced people worldwide has hit a record high of 70.8 million, with developing nations bearing the brunt of an influx of refugees fleeing conflict and political oppression, according to a United Nations report released for Refugee Week.


Meanwhile, the number of refugees in the world — defined as people displaced outside of their home country due to persecution — has doubled to 25.9 million since 2012 due to a series of new and ongoing conflicts.


Developing countries are still host to the majority of refugees, reported to be housing some 80 per cent.


Read the full article here.


18 June 2019

A two-year-old girl who was taken into immigration detention with her family from their home in Biloela has been denied a cake on her birthday.


It was her second birthday inside the Melbourne detention centre and the second time visitors were blocked from bringing in a cake to celebrate, despite her father, Nades, going through the required rigorous application process, including submitting a “special purpose food and/or medication request” to Border Force.


Read the full article here.

Detention centre denies two-year-old Tamil girl a birthday cake
Sri Lankan refugee in 'hellish' conditions on Manus Island appeals to settle in UK


12 June 2019

A refugee and torture survivor who has been incarcerated in “hellish” conditions by the Australian authorities since 2013 has appealed to be allowed to join his sister in the UK.


In the first case of its kind, Thiraviyarajah Subramaniyam, 37, a Tamil from Sri Lanka, appealed in the UK immigration tribunal on Tuesday against a Home Office refusal to allow him family resettlement in the UK.


Read the full article here.


6 June 2019

Kumar should be released and compensated immediately, says UN working group, which found his detention contravened international law.


Australia should immediately release a legally blind and mentally ill Tamil refugee who has languished in immigration detention for nearly a decade, a key United Nations body has said.


In a scathing assessment of the detention regime, the UN working group found Australia had contravened international law by detaining the man for more than nine years. It argued he should be released from detention immediately and had an “enforceable right to compensation and other reparations”.


Read the full article here.

UN condemns Australia for detaining blind Tamil refugee for nine years

2018 Buddies Refugee Support Group

Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia


 PO BOX 367, Buderim 4556


 0412 673 028 or by email

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